Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hard landscape..

Use as the facility on your garden. Bench like this suitable placed at your garden for to relax. 
Use this element to make you garden look shiny. It can be the focus point on your garden. 
Water fountain
This elements always used in landscape to make your landscape be perfect. Without this element in your garden, landscape not be 'real'. Use it as the element in your garden.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Plumeria rubra 'pink'
Plumeria sp. 'red'

Scientific name for these plants known as Plumeria spp.For common name known as 'kemboja' or Frangipani There are many cultivars of these plants such as red, pink, yellow and white cultivars. These plants are popular in Bali landscape concept and tropical landscape concept. These flowers always used in spa treatment. Propagated by stem cutting. It suitable to plant in pot or ground. These plants commonly seen at public park, highway, resort, grave and other places. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Sansiviera, Mother in-Law Tongue....

Sansiviera trifasciata
Sansiviera is the plant that can adapt with climate in Malaysia. This plant known as Mother in Law Tongue. This plant suitable planted in pot. For fertlizer, use fertilizer such as organic fertilizer. Avoid use chemical fertilizer because sansiviera is sensitive to chemical fertilizer because it can make sansiviera leaves damage. For planting medium, use ratio 3:2:1 (3 part of top soil, 2 part of sand, 1 part of organic matter).

Antrium adreanum.....

Antrium adreanum

Antrium is the plant that can be used as indoor plant. Avoid to placed it at area that direct to sun. Antrium suitable planted in pot. Fertilizer that recommended to use such as organic fertilizer because it good for plant especially Antrium. For planting medium, use ratio 3:2:1 (3 part of top soil, 2 part of sand, 1 part of organic matter).


Diffenbachia spp. 
Diffenbachia is the plant that can be used as indoor plant. For fertilizer, use organic fertilizer. Avoid placed direct to sunlight because can damage their leaves damage. For chemical fertilizer, use chemical fertilizer such as NPK 15:15:15. For planting medium, use ratio 3:2:1 (3 part of top soil, 2 part of sand, 1 part of organic matter).  

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Cactus is the plant that easy to plant. Require high quantity of light. So, must placed it at area that get direct sunlight. Avoid to give more quantity of water. Watering must be do when soil on cactus pot look so dry. Use organic fertilizer because cactus was very sensitive with chemical fertilizer.


Begonia suitable to placed at shaded area. Avoid placed from direct light because can damage their leaves. For fertilizer, use organic fertilizer or for chemical fertilizer, use NPK 15:15:15 to make Begonia leaves looks healthy. Suitable planted in pot. Use ratio 3:2:1(3 part of top soil, 2 part of sand and 1 part of organic matter) for planting medium. Propagated by stem cutting and leaves cutting.